Feeding the Future – TAC’s Farming Initiative

Agriculture is the backbone of Northern Uganda’s economy, and The Access Centre Uganda (TAC) is committed to revitalizing this sector through its Farming Initiative. This program is designed to support local farmers, enhance food security, and promote sustainable agricultural practices in Agago District.

Demonstration Farms: Learning by Doing

A key component of TAC’s Farming Initiative is the establishment of demonstration farms. These farms serve as practical training grounds where local farmers can learn about modern farming techniques, crop diversification, and sustainable practices. Currently, TAC operates a 20-acre demonstration farm in Odom Village, where a variety of crops, including maize and vegetables, are cultivated.

Farmers like Peter Okwera have benefited immensely from this initiative. Peter, who previously relied on traditional farming methods, now uses improved techniques he learned at the demonstration farm. “The training I received from TAC has transformed my farming,” says Peter. “My yields have increased, and I can now feed my family and sell the surplus at the market.”

Supporting Local Farmers

TAC supports local farmers by providing high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and farming tools. The initiative also includes training sessions on pest management, soil health, and irrigation techniques. These resources help farmers increase their productivity and resilience against adverse weather conditions.

In the past year, TAC distributed 100 tonnes of maize seeds to farmer groups across Agago District. This effort has led to a significant increase in maize production, contributing to improved food security and income for participating families.

Promoting Poultry Farming

In addition to crop farming, TAC’s Farming Initiative also promotes poultry farming as a viable source of income. TAC has sponsored farmers like Ocan Bosco and Peter Okwera to receive training in poultry farming. Upon completion, these trained farmers returned to their communities to train others, creating a ripple effect of knowledge and skills.

TAC provided 200 chicks to be raised at demonstration farms, and the success of these pilot projects has inspired many local farmers to start their own poultry businesses. This diversification of agricultural activities is vital for improving the economic stability of farming households.

Overcoming Challenges

While the Farming Initiative has made significant strides, it faces challenges such as limited access to water for irrigation and the need for more comprehensive training programs. TAC is working on securing additional resources to address these challenges and expand the initiative to reach more farmers.

Call for Support

To enhance and expand the Farming Initiative, TAC needs your support. Donations will help purchase more seeds, farming tools, and provide extensive training for farmers. Your contribution can help ensure food security and promote sustainable agriculture in Agago District.

Donate Today

Support our Farming Initiative and help us empower local farmers. Visit our donation page to make a contribution. Together, we can cultivate a prosperous and sustainable future for Agago District.

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