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Our Programs

Mobile Health Clinic Outreach

Mobile Health Clinic Outreach

Help us bring healthcare to those who need it most by supporting our Mobile Health Clinic Outreach. Your donation can cover the costs of medical supplies, transportation, and healthcare professionals. A contribution of $50 can provide vaccines for ten children, while $300 can fund an entire mobile clinic visit. Together, we can improve health outcomes and save lives.

Clean Water Access Project

Clean Water Access Project

Help us ensure every household in Agago has access to clean drinking water. Your donation can fund the installation of boreholes and distribution of water filters. A contribution of $200 can install a water filtration system in a school, while $1,000 can fund a new borehole. Together, we can provide safe water and improve health outcomes.

Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Campaign

Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Campaign

Support our efforts to improve sanitation and hygiene in Agago District. Your donation can help build latrines and provide hygiene kits to families. A contribution of $50 can supply hygiene kits to ten families, while $500 can build a latrine in a school. Together, we can promote better hygiene and prevent diseases.

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program

Invest in the future of Agago by supporting young entrepreneurs. Your donation can fund training sessions, mentorship programs, and startup capital. A contribution of $100 can provide entrepreneurship training for one youth, while $1,000 can fund a startup grant. Together, we can create job opportunities and drive economic growth.

Women’s Livelihood Empowerment Program

Women’s Livelihood Empowerment Program

Empower women in Agago District by supporting their entrepreneurial endeavors. Your donation can fund vocational training, financial literacy workshops, and microloans. A contribution of $50 can provide financial literacy training for ten women, while $500 can fund a microloan. Together, we can enhance women’s economic empowerment.

Adoma Peace Cup

Adoma Peace Cup

Support youth sports in Agago District by contributing to our soccer tournament fund. Your donation can provide sports equipment and cover tournament costs. A contribution of $100 can supply a team with jerseys, while $500 can fund an entire tournament. Together, we can promote unity and healthy lifestyles through sports.

Traditional Dance and Cultural Heritage Program

Traditional Dance and Cultural Heritage Program

Help preserve the cultural heritage of ACHOLI by supporting our traditional dance and cultural heritage program. Your donation can fund festivals, workshops, and competitions. A contribution of $50 can provide costumes for a dance group, while $300 can fund a cultural festival. Together, we can celebrate and preserve our rich cultural traditions.

Sustainable Farming Training Program

Sustainable Farming Training Program

Support sustainable agriculture in Agago District by contributing to our farming training program. Your donation can provide training, tools, and inputs to local farmers. A contribution of $50 can supply farming tools to five farmers, while $500 can fund an entire training workshop. Together, we can promote sustainable farming and food security.

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program

Invest in the future of Agago by supporting young entrepreneurs. Your donation can fund training sessions, mentorship programs, and startup capital. A contribution of $100 can provide entrepreneurship training for one youth, while $1,000 can fund a startup grant. Together, we can create job opportunities and drive economic growth.

Women’s Livelihood Empowerment Program

Women’s Livelihood Empowerment Program

Empower women in Agago District by supporting their entrepreneurial endeavors. Your donation can fund vocational training, financial literacy workshops, and microloans. A contribution of $50 can provide financial literacy training for ten women, while $500 can fund a microloan. Together, we can enhance women’s economic empowerment.

Traditional Dance and Cultural Heritage Program

Traditional Dance and Cultural Heritage Program

Help preserve the cultural heritage of ACHOLI by supporting our traditional dance and cultural heritage program. Your donation can fund festivals, workshops, and competitions. A contribution of $50 can provide costumes for a dance group, while $300 can fund a cultural festival. Together, we can celebrate and preserve our rich cultural traditions.

Sustainable Farming Training Program

Sustainable Farming Training Program

Support sustainable agriculture in Agago District by contributing to our farming training program. Your donation can provide training, tools, and inputs to local farmers. A contribution of $50 can supply farming tools to five farmers, while $500 can fund an entire training workshop. Together, we can promote sustainable farming and food security.

Clean Water Access Project

Clean Water Access Project

Help us ensure every household in Agago has access to clean drinking water. Your donation can fund the installation of boreholes and distribution of water filters. A contribution of $200 can install a water filtration system in a school, while $1,000 can fund a new borehole. Together, we can provide safe water and improve health outcomes.

Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Campaign

Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Campaign

Support our efforts to improve sanitation and hygiene in Agago District. Your donation can help build latrines and provide hygiene kits to families. A contribution of $50 can supply hygiene kits to ten families, while $500 can build a latrine in a school. Together, we can promote better hygiene and prevent diseases.

Mobile Health Clinic Outreach

Mobile Health Clinic Outreach

Help us bring healthcare to those who need it most by supporting our Mobile Health Clinic Outreach. Your donation can cover the costs of medical supplies, transportation, and healthcare professionals. A contribution of $50 can provide vaccines for ten children, while $300 can fund an entire mobile clinic visit. Together, we can improve health outcomes and save lives.


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